Friday, September 24, 2010

So much emo hair...

Once Azrael becomes human in my Little Mermaid story, she gets a makeover. I came up with several concepts for her new hairstyle, and I'm sending them to my hairdresser Britten (pictured left) for her opinion on the best one.

They're quite rough, but you get the idea.

Azrael, the Little Mermaid

I've been plotting my Little Mermaid storybook for Illustration II. I wanted to establish a color palette for the main character, to keep her consistent, so I put this together. As you can see, I wanted to make her as different from Disney's Little Mermaid as possible. I'll probably make models like this for several of the main characters.

I'm thinking I should do more on the design. I'll probably give her some tattoos and stuff. And I'm still not pleased with those piercings...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mah Boy

Hey, I did this comic strip the other week. Check it out.

(If you're not familiar with Zelda, the main character is named Link. The King sends him to save the Princess... Get it?)

Tom Thumb: Complete!

We turned in our Tom Thumb pictures today. You can see my rough drawings here. And here are the finished pieces...


Other news: My Batman yin-yang was just featured in the Batman fanclub on deviantART: Such an honor!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Bart-day

This is the first drawing I've done in Illustrator, but I'm sure it won't be the last! Great program.

I drew it for a friend's birthday this week. I haven't seen her since 9th grade, but somehow she found me on Facebook. She used to make me draw Bart Simpson all the time, so it seemed appropriate.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Gordon Freeman from Half-Life meets Scott Pilgrim. That would be the best video game ever.

If you aren't familiar with awesome stuff, here's what I'm referencing...


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Two Sides of Gotham

Never in the history of fiction have I seen two enemies as completely different as Batman and the Joker. The Clown Prince of Crime is truly the Dark Knight's antithesis in every way; he's his twisted reflection, the other face of his coin, the cold side of his pillow.

I'm especially proud of this piece, as I drew it entirely with my Bamboo tablet. Until now, I've only used it for coloring things I've drawn on paper or doodling simple stuff.