Friday, October 8, 2010

Little Mermaid: The Complete Thumbnail Collection

So, after painstaking hours condensing an epic fairytale into a 32-page book, while trying my damnedest not to rip off the Disney adaptation, I've finished the thumbnail layouts for Matt Pickett's The Little Mermaid!

I put the cover concept at the end of the story instead of the beginning, for some reason (I'm dumb). And I put quite a few thumbnails on each page, so I'm sure you'll need to click them for the larger versions.

The hairdresser on page 26 is my friend Britten. She's a great stylist. (If you've seen my shaggy hair lately, you can probably tell that I haven't seen her for a while.) She gave me advice on making over Azrael midway through the story.

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot to show my cover concept- I like yours- I especially like the part where she grows legs!
