Friday, November 19, 2010

Guest drawing from Jordan, new colors

Three blog posts in a week. O_o Kind of excessive, but I had to post this. My kickass friend Jordan Bickimer gave me a sketch card he drew of Azrael today, and it is sweeeeeeet. Thanks, dude!

As for my book, I'm revising the colors on the first page. Trying out some new brushes, trying to make everything look more "painted". I want to retain the black outlines, though. Probably. I may color them.

Oh, and here's a finished version of spread 2. By "finished" of course I mean that I'll only change it ten more times.


  1. I like that you closed her eyes in the revised version.

    That last one is so intense, especially when her fin is splitting into legs.

    You're so talented Matt!
