Friday, November 26, 2010

Liefeld challenge

Hey all. I thought I'd take a break from mermaid stuff for this week's blog, so I don't go crazy before I can do the final spread and clean up my book dummy next week. Instead, I decided to take the Rob Liefeld challenge. Basically, you take an especially weak drawing from famously bad comic book artist Rob Liefeld and try to fix it up. I don't consider myself a great artist by any means, but I think I can outdo our old pal Rob, at the very least.

Here's the original drawing, from an issue of Cable...

And here's my attempt to clean her up a bit.

As you can see, I've fixed her proportions a bit. She no longer has her legs on sideways, nor is she standing on her toes for no reason. And that... column thing next to her is shifted so that it's clearly behind her. (In the original drawing, it seems to be in front of her, even though her arm overlaps it. Total mindscrew, eh?)

This was fun. Maybe I'll do more in the future.

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